• Bem vindo ao Sen'jin Hunters

    Eu sou o Naitee, do server warsong. Sen'jin Hunters é blog brasileiro dedicado aos hunters do world of warcraft! Com informações sobre builds, equips, estratégias e novidades sobre os hunters em geral. Catch you later!

vou listar os melhores equips q hunter pode pegar, POR ENQUANTO, em icc10/25 normal/heroic

pode dar uma ajuda na galera q ta com preguiça de procurar ou só encontra aqueles tables com milhoes de itens heroics e nada intermediario, vou colocar entao algumas opçoes de itens

vamo la:

Taldron's Short-Sighted Helm - Rotface 10
Snowserpent Mail Helm - Lord Marrowgar 25
Anh'Kahar Blood hunters headpiece - t10

Precious' Putrid Collar - Festergut 10
Rimetooth Pendant - Sindragosa 10
Wodin's Lucky Necklace - Trash 25
Sindragosa's Cruel Claw - Singdragosa 25

Pauldrons of Lost Hope - Gunship Armory 10
Shoulderpads of the Morbid Ritual - Professor Putricide 10
Dual-Bladed Pauldrons - Rotface 25
Anh'Kahar Blood hunters spaulders - t10

Recovered Scarlet Onslaught Cape - 50 Emblems of Frost
Shadowvault Slayer's Cloak - Gunship Armory 25

Longstrider's vest - 95 Emblem of Frost
Hauberk of a Thousand Cuts - Deathbringer Saurfang 10
Carapace of Forgotten Kings - Festergut 25
Anh'Kahar Blood hunters tunic - t10

Icecrown Rampart Bracers - Gunship Armory 10
Scourge Hunter's Vambraces - Gunship Armory 25

Logsplitters - 60 Emblems of Frost
Handgrips of Frost and Steel - Lady Deathwhisper 10
Anub'ar Stalker's Gloves - Valithria Dreamwalker 25
Anh'Kahar Blood hunters handguards - t10

Band of the night raven- 60 Emblems of Frost
Linked Scourge Vertebrae - Lord Marrowgar 10
Blood-Drinket's Girdle - Blood Prince Council 10
Nerub'ar Stalker's Cord - Festergut 25

Draconic bonesplinter legguards - craft lw
Legguards of the Twisted Dream - Valithria Dreamwalker 10
Leggings of Northern Lights - Lady Deathwhisper 25
Anh'Kahar Blood hunters legguards - t10

rock-steady treads - craft lw
Wyrmwing Treads - Sindragosa 10
Taldron's Long Neglected Boots - Festergut 10
Treads of the Wasteland - Blood Prince Council 25

Saurfang's Cold-Forged Band - Deathbringer Saurfang 10
Seal of the Twilight Queen - Queen Lana'thel 10
Band of the Bone Colossus - Lord Marrowgar 25
Frostbrood Sapphire Ring - Valithria Dreamwalker 25
Ashen band of vengeance- aumentando a reputaçao com Ashen verdict

needle-encrusted scorpion - Devourer of Souls, Heroic Forge of Souls 5
Whispering Fanged Skull - Lady Deathwhisper 10
Deathbringer's Will - Deathbringer Saurfang 25

Stat Sticks
orca-hunters harpoon- Marwyn, Heroic Halls of Reflection 5
quel'delar, ferocity of the scorned - trocando pelo battered hilt
Hersir's Greatspear - Blood Prince Council 10
Shaft of Glacial Ice - Rotface 10
Bloodfall - Bloog-Queen Lana'thel 25
Distant Land - Festergut 25

Njordnar Bone Bow - Lady Deathwhisper 10
Stakethrower - Blood-Queen Lana'thel 10
Zod's Repeating Longbow - Lady Deathwhisper 25

obs.: lembrem q a priroridade eh fechar o ser 4pc do tier10
obs2.: alguns drops eu peguei dos drops do ptr, entao alguma coisa pode mudar no futuro

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